Steel door is a powerful material and of itself, therefore their first advantage is their strength and security. Steel doors are more harder to break into than aluminium or vinyl doors, which are easy to kick open. Its security is also superior than the tried-and-true solid wood doors.
Standard Sizes:
1500 * 2100 (60″ * 84″)
1800 * 2400 (72″ * 96″)

Steel door is a powerful material and of itself, therefore their first advantage is their strength and security. Steel doors are more harder to break into than aluminium or vinyl doors, which are easy to kick open. Its security is also superior than the tried-and-true solid wood doors.
Standard Sizes:
1500 * 2100 (60″ * 84″)
1800 * 2400 (72″ * 96″)

Steel door is a powerful material and of itself, therefore their first advantage is their strength and security. Steel doors are more harder to break into than aluminium or vinyl doors, which are easy to kick open. Its security is also superior than the tried-and-true solid wood doors.
Standard Sizes:
1800 * 2175 (72″ * 87″)